We are the Catholic Parish of the Deaf in the diocese of Trier/Germany. Bishop Hermann Josef Spital founded our parish on December 17, 2000 after al long time of Catholic Ministry for Deaf believers in our diocese.
The parish members are all the Deaf, hard of hearing and late deafened Catholics in the Trier Diocese who use sign language.

Guest and Friends
We welcome Deaf or hearing impaired guests from other Christian churches and religious backgrounds or neighbours from other dioceses, who want to participate in our activities. We also welcome hearing friends.

Personal Parish
According to canon law (can 518 CIC) we are a personal parish. We have the same rights and duties as any local parish. At this time we are the first and only Catholic personal parish of the Deaf in the German speaking countries.

Leadership and Administration
Our parish is directed by the pastor (hearing) together with the Parish Council, the Parish Financial Board (all members are Deaf) and the Pastoral Team. The Parish Council has different teams and representatives for different ministries.

In addition to the pastor Rev. Ralf Schmitz there is also an associate priest Rev. Michael Knipp (part time) and a pastoral worker Mrs. Katja Groß (part time) on the pastoral team. The former incumbent Rev. Heinz Schmitt is retired, but still involved in the visiting the sick and the in home members of the parish. The part time secretary Mrs. Janin Kanitz manages the Parish Office.